How to Prepare Kids for Pet Ownership

There are many benefits of pets in children and families. Studies on pet ownership show that taking care of animals can help kids and adults lower stress and anxiety. Having to care for pets would also teach kids responsibility and stewardship. It makes children more empowered and feels a sense of belonging with the whole family.

Do you think your Tiger Cubs are ready to take on the challenge of taking care of pets? Here’s how you can prepare them.

  1. Decide on the type of pet together

Decide on the type of pet together | Tiger and Tim

There are many things to consider when getting a pet. Before deciding what to get, you can get the whole household in a huddle and decide together. You may even list down the pros and cons for each type as you research to help you and your kids determine what pet to get. You can also let the kids watch videos of how the animal behaves and its temperament to understand better which one to get.

  1. Talk about responsibilities

Talk about responsibilities | Tiger and Tim

We all know that pets at home also mean responsibilities. Talk to your kids about the chores necessary when taking care of an animal. Different animals would require different care, as well.

Before getting the pet, you can let the kids practice being responsible by assigning them age-appropriate chores first. You can also get the kids to watch educational shows on how to take care of a pet at home. 

  1. Teach kids to treat animals with respect

Teach kids to treat animals with respect | Tiger and Tim

This is what Tiger and Tim learning videos are all about! For  kids, being a pet owner allows kids to learn how to treat animals with respect. But even before you get one, teaching children about treating animals with compassion and respect is necessary. You can do so with the different animals you may see in the park, zoo, or pet store. Teaching kids that animals have feelings too enables them to empathise with their pets better, which then helps them become a great pet owner!

  1. Talk to other pet owners

Talk to other pet owners | Tiger and Tim

As part of preparing the kids for pet ownership, one way to help them get a better picture of what it really takes to care for a pet is to talk to families who also own pets. For example, maybe a classmate or cousin also owns the kind of pet your kids would want to have. You can have the kids ask about the different chores and tasks they would need to do once the pet arrives. They could even let the kids watch videos of their pets at home and what they typically do to take care of them. Having someone they know talk about what it is like owning a pet could give the kids a good perspective on being a pet owner.

  1. Emphasise on working together
Emphasise on working together | Tiger and Tim
Young happy family enjoying with their golden retriever at home.

Owning a pet requires cooperation and teamwork with everybody in the house. Before getting a pet, emphasise the need to work together towards a common goal. For example, assign your kids small tasks that would lead up to a bigger project. This would help them learn that they have an essential part in taking care of their pet. Tell them that the full responsibility is not theirs alone, and everyone would have to chip in when taking care of the family pet. Once they realise that the entire burden is not on their shoulders, they will feel more positive and even excited about getting their own pet!

Growing up with a pet can be a memorable time for Tiger Cubs! They not only learn about responsibility, respect, and compassion, they also gain a friend that they would treasure fur-ever! 

P.S. Don’t forget to take pictures and videos for the kids to look back on in the future and to share with us on ‘Your Tigers‘!

That’s all for now, cool cats!

Tiger xoxoxo

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