
Tiger and Tim New Year Updates

Bringing joy and education to kids around the world

Let’s usher in the new year with new exciting developments and updates from Tiger and Tim!

Hey, cool cats! I hope that the start of your new year is going great!

The National Literacy Trust | Tiger and Tim

As for us here at Tiger and Tim, the beginning of the year has proved to be an exciting one. Me and my buddy Tim Hague are delighted to share that we have recently partnered with The National Literacy Trust (the UK’s biggest literacy charity) for their brilliant campaign called ‘Words that Count’. Turns out, I am not just a tiger for kids; I am also a tiger for grown-ups now!

learning videos for kids | Tiger and Tim

Words that Count, a part of the Words for Life program by The National Literacy Trust, aims to help young people manage their money and make wise financial decisions. Apart from supporting Tiger Cubs’ literacy development, we also helped out grown-ups in developing financial literacy! Our talented editors and animators, who typically bring our learning videos for kids to life, created animated videos for the campaign that aid in delivering the program’s message.

Aside from Tim and me, other celebrities (yes, we are celebrities in our right!:)) are also part of the campaign. Love Island stars Tom, Biggs, and Danny also lent their hand to the program, as well as other financial experts and advisors. Other partners include Read Machester, Experian, and Money and Pension Services (or MaPS).

Check out our Words that Count animated videos here

Another exciting update from us is that we were recently featured in an online article in the Daily Mail! That’s one of the most popular websites in the world! Pretty cool, huh?!  

The article shared different educational resources (which are free or low-cost) that families with Tiger Cubs can take advantage of in the light of another phase of a national lockdown and school closures all over the UK and elsewhere. 

Among the resources listed in the article are the Tiger and Tim learning videos for kids which we upload to our YouTube channel and other platforms like HappyKids.TV, Kidoodle, Toongoggles, Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV! The article emphasises our mission to help Tiger Cubs develop their literacy whilst developing their character, also. 

Aside from Tiger and Tim, other free educational platforms, such as Edplace, ActionAid and Hero Tales are also part of the list. Corporations that offer free educational resources are listed too, such as Amazon, Barclays, and HSBC. 

Read the entire article here!

kids learning literacy reading | Tiger and Tim Animals

Love you guys, peace out! Tiger xoxoxoxoxoxox

To read more of Tiger’s blog, click here.


Tigers for Kids: Favourite Tiger and Tim Moments in 2020

Tiger and Tim moments

2020 will always be special to us! We were born this year after all! So, let’s take a look at some of our favourite Tiger and Tim moments of the year:

2020 has been quite a ride, right, cool cats?! From the lockdowns, online classes, endless Zoom meetings, and so much more, this tiger for kids had bid the year adios! But as my buddy Tim Hague and I welcome 2021, let’s first go back to some of our favourite moments from the different learning videos for kids we’ve produced!

learning videos for kids | Tiger and Tim

Our Premiere Episode

If there’s one thing this year (and Tiger and Tim’s pilot episode) has taught us, it’s to wash our hands often! The very first Tiger and Tim episode premiered on July 1, 2020, after months of hard work and preparation. Thanks to all you roarsome people, our pilot episode has reached 9,000+ views and counting!

This was an exceptional episode for Tim and me because it’s when we first met our Tiger Cubs – from all over the world – who continue to support us to this day!

Trip to Outer Space | Tiger and Tim space adventure

Trip to Outer Space

We went to many different places this year – from the jungle to even the North Pole! But nothing beats traveling to outer space! For the second episode of our learning video for kids, Tim and I went on an out-of-this-world adventure where we (and my mouse friend, Marvin) found out that the moon is not made of cheese (sorry about that, Marvin).

Tim The Hippo | Tiger and Tim Animals

Tim The Hippo

As a smart tiger, just like all of the best tigers for kids, I get the Quiz Master’s questions correct every time. As a reward, I am allowed to turn Tim into anything I want him to be! My favourite among Tim’s transformations would have to be “Tim the hippo”! It’s not much of a stretch really…just take a look at his belly! Ha!

Tiger and Tim's Original Stories | Tiger and Tim Animals

Tiger and Tim’s Original Stories

One of the many things we like to do, especially during a lockdown, is to write and read our own stories! The original stories we feature in our learning videos for kids usually feature my animal friends from the jungle. Tiger cubs can develop their literacy and reading skills, as well as learn essential values just by reading along with us. It’s a child literacy adventure!

The Art Critique's Funny Brows | Tiger and Tim

The Art Critique’s Funny Brows

What would our learning videos for kids do without The Art Critique and the shrill of his voice? I still think The Art Critique is just Tim wearing funny stuck-on brows and a moustache, though! Case in point: When the Art Critique’s eyebrow fell off! Well, if that’s not a clue to the Art Maestro’s real identity, then I don’t know what is! And the fact that we’ve never seen The Art Critique and Tim Hague in one room is really fishy…. Nevertheless, The Art Critique and I have loved seeing all of the paintings, drawings, arts and crafts this year. Fantastic!

The Tiger and Tim's Sing-Along Song | Tiger and Tim Animals

The Tiger and Tim’s Sing-Along Song

2020 is also the year that Tim and I wrote and performed our first Tiger and Tim song! Our ultra-catchy sing-along song made its debut in the fourth episode and it has become our special way to end our episodes for all tigers and for kids everywhere. We think and hope it teaches our Tiger Cubs all of the values that are important nowadays! We plan to have more original songs in our future learning videos for kids, and maybe even some celebrity guests!

The Time-Traveling TARDIS | Tiger and Tim Animals

The Time-Traveling TARDIS

While lockdowns prevented most of us from traveling outside of the house, that didn’t stop us from traveling back in time! Thanks to the Doctor Who TARDIS (or Time And Relative Dimension in Space), we were able to see the wonders of Ancient Egypt in our fifth episode. We even met a mummy! Not Tim’s Mummy Susy, an actual Egyptian Mummy!!

The Mummy | Tiger and Tim Sports | Tiger and Tim

The Cub Cup Final

Dubbed as the sporting event of the year (well, at least for us!), The Cub Cup Final was truly memorable! Thanks to everyone who believed in me, I scored big time and won the match against the Wolfpack Wanderers with my penalty kick! IT’S TIGER TIME!

A Royal Visit | Tiger and Tim Adventure

A Royal Visit

Who could forget about the time we met Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth, at Buckingham Palace during our Great British Culture episode? Do you remember how I majestically bowed in front of the Queen and how Tim’s bone’s creaked because he’s getting very old? GOOD TIMES.

P.S: I wonder when will I meet the other members of the Royal family? Stay tuned for that! I would definitely like to visit Prince Harry in America…

Saving Christmas | Tiger and Tim Adventure

Saving Christmas

Just when we thought we’d had enough adventures for the year, an extraordinary friend of ours needed some help! And that friend is none other than Father Christmas, himself! Good thing we were able to reach the North Pole just in time to save the holidays for Santa Claus, or “FC” (Father Christmas) as I like to call him! I’d love to visit Father Christmas again next year, that’s for sure!

So there you have it, Tiger Cubs! These are some our favourite Tiger and Tim moments from the year 2020. There are so many more we could have included, but didn’t have space! Try to find some of your own by watching all of our YouTube videos!

Here’s to more memories and exciting adventures in 2021! The first of those adventures will be: Tim and I meeting the dinosaurs! Yay!

For more of Tiger’s blogs, click here.