
Summer 2021: Road Trip Essentials for the Family

family road trip | Tiger and Tim

Warm days are meant for spending time with the family outdoors! So here are your must-haves for the next great family road trip.

tourism and travelling picking up once again | Tiger and Tim

Ahh… summer! What better way to spend these warm days ahead than exploring and going on a family adventure? With tourism and travelling picking up once again, we all want to take a break and have fun under the sun!

Watching funny videos for kids or any kids shows playing on the telly all day can get a little boring, especially for young children. However, a road trip can be a great learning opportunity for kids that can be just as fun and entertaining as watching videos on YouTube!

However, some parents and grown-ups are still a little bit wary of going out with their Tiger Cubs. So here are road trip essentials that you must have to ensure everyone’s safety and keep the fun coming!


  1. Safety Kit

Safety Kit | Tiger and Tim

With the virus still a threat, it is vital to keep you and your family safe during your road trip. Pack along with you some COVID safety essentials such as face masks, hand sanitisers, tissue paper or wet wipes, and disposable gloves. Don’t forget to pack trash bags, as well, to keep things neat during your trip.

Some parents suggest bringing other cleaning items such as disinfectant spray, laundry detergent, or bleach when staying in hotels or vacation home rentals just to be on the safe side.

  1. Healthy snacks

Healthy snacks | Tiger and Tim

While several adults have been vaccinated, most young kids are not, making kids more at risk of getting sick. This is why eating healthy snacks to boost their immune systems is a must! Bring plenty of fruit snacks that are loaded with vitamins and minerals that keep kids strong and healthy. I love me some healthy snacks!

(Watch how I cooked a healthy omelette ala-Tiger in this funny video for kids!)

Having enough supplies of food and drinks will also save you trips to the supermarket or convenience stores along the way.

  1. Emergency medicine kit

Emergency medicine kit | Tiger and Tim

Just as with any road trip, bringing an emergency medical kit is also a must. You’ll never know when Tiger Cubs get into minor accidents. Don’t let minor cuts or scratches ruin the trip! Bring along with your medicines and first aid relief items to ensure that everyone is a-okay and fit for the great outdoors!

  1. Road trip plan

Road trip plan | Tiger and Tim

A wise tiger once said… All great road trips start with a great plan! (That wise tiger is me, hehe)

Given that our world is a little different nowadays, a little more planning is necessary to help make your family adventures more epic! Some of the things you would need to consider are places where you would sleep (hotels, rentals, or campsites?). You would also need to consider the crowd – too many people would make it more challenging to practice social distancing. Lastly, what types of activities everyone would enjoy in a particular place.

To make the trip extra special for them, you may have your kids plan with you – watch YouTube videos of travel vlogs to get a good idea about your itinerary.

  1. Toys, books, and other entertainment

 Toys, books, and other entertainment | Tiger and Tim

Looking at the scenery can get a little boring after a few hours! So keep the Tiger Cubs busy by bringing along small toys, art materials, books, and even board games. You can also let them pass the time by making them watch Tiger and Tim videos on YouTube Kids! Now that’s a great idea, don’t you think?

Road trips will always be an enjoyable and memorable way for families to spend during the summer months. Not only is it a fantastic way for children to learn new things, but it is also a unique way for everyone in the family to bond. Don’t forget to make fun videos and photos for kids to look back to for the years to come!

Stay safe, cool cats!

Tiger xoxoxo


10 Fun Facts About Ancient Greece for Kids

Is it all Greek to you? Well then, learn many fascinating facts about Ancient Greece in our latest video in collaboration with Twinkl!

fascinating facts about Ancient Greece | Tiger and Tim

Hi there, cool cats! Have you seen our latest video that Tim and I made with Twinkl? (Watch it with the kids on Twinkl’s YouTube channel now!). It’s a super cool music video about Ancient Greece and what makes it sooo fascinating!

Twink | Tiger and Tim

The video is part of our ongoing collaboration with Twinkl, a leading educational resource website. Look out for more Tiger and Tim funny and educational videos for kids on Twinkl TV coming out soon!

I had a lot of fun learning about this great ancient civilisation in this video, and I am sure many kids out there would find them interesting, too! So here are some fun facts about Ancient Greece to help children learn more about it.

  1. Strange Food

Strange Food | Tiger and Tim

Ancient Greeks are a superstitious bunch. Because of their beliefs, they wouldn’t even eat some types of food, thinking it might bring them bad luck. One example is beans, because they believe that these legumes contain the souls of the dead! Yikes!

  1. Ancient Olympics

Ancient Olympus | Tiger and Tim

In our fun educational music video for kids, we mentioned that the Olympics originated in Greece, so here are some more fascinating facts about the ancient Olympics (right on time for this year’s 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, too!)

The first Olympic Games were held in the city of Olympia in 776 BC (hence, the name). Among all the sporting events held in the ancient Olympics, the toughest one has to be wrestling, as there are no rules in the game and athletes had to compete in the buff! Oh no!

Olympic Games | Tiger and Tim

Also, much like our modern Olympics, winners in the Olympic Games are celebrated when they go back home. Hooray!

  1. Ruled by Gods

Ruled by Gods | Tiger and Tim

Since the ancient Greeks have no way to explain natural phenomena around them (like the rain, sunrise, and sunset!), they look up to their gods and goddesses to understand why these things take place. Thus, the ancient Greeks worship many gods and goddesses and believe that all the good and bad things happen to them because of these gods and goddesses. 

I find Greek mythology very interesting (there is a god for almost everything!), and I’m sure your kids will enjoy learning about it, too. There are several educational videos for kids online about Greek gods and goddesses that they can dive into!

  1. Greek Inventions

Greek Inventions | Tiger and Tim

Ancient Greece is one of the most advanced civilizations in history, partly because of the several modern inventions that had their origins in Ancient Greece millions of years ago, such as the yoyo and even the alarm clock! So thank you, ancient Greeks; because of your invention, Tim can wake up early to prepare our breakfast!

  1. Majority Wins

Majority Wins | Tiger and Tim

One way Tim and I decide on things around the house is through majority wins – too bad for Tim he only has two hands while I have four paws!

But did you know that the concept of majority wins, or as grown-ups call it, democracy, was first born in Ancient Greece? And this has been the blueprint for several justice systems and laws worldwide up until today. Amazing, right?!

  1. Origins of Marathon

Majority Wins | Tiger and Tim

Are you fond of going on a funny video marathon with your kids? Well, you have the ancient Greeks to thank for that.

No, they did not invent the television, silly billy! But it was in Ancient Greece that the idea of a marathon began (the actual marathon!). It all started with a messenger who ran from Marathon to Athens to tell the high officials about a significant war victory. The messenger ran a total of nearly 40 kilometers!

  1. Greek Theatre

Greek Theatre | Tiger and Tim

Aside from the Olympic Games and marathon races, the theatre also originated in Ancient Greece! The Greeks back then genuinely loved watching the theatre that they built theatres that can hold 15,000 people! This number may not be as massive in terms of YouTube views, but believe me, kids, that’s a lot of people in ancient times!

    8. Chronic Nappers Chronic Nappers | Tiger and Tim

If there’s one thing that I share with the ancient Greeks, it has to be our love for naps! 

Taking mid-day naps is considered a tradition in Greece that began centuries ago. They believe that a bit of shut-eye in the middle of the day is healthy. I have to agree!

9. Shake it Off

Shake it Off | Tiger and Tim

To add to the long list of things that originated in Ancient Greece, let’s add the handshake to it, too!

Yup, the custom of greeting someone with a handshake is believed to be part of Greek mythology when Hera (goddess of marriage) shook hands with Athena (goddess of intelligence).

Ancient Greece is indeed a fascinating place and time in history! If you need more Ancient Greece facts, watch our Twinkl video on YouTube with your kids and just about everyone who wants to know more about this trailblazing ancient civilisation!

Talk to you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


Summer Holiday 2021: Tips on Travelling Safely with Kids

travel with your Tiger Cubs | Tiger and Tim

Can’t wait to travel with your Tiger Cubs? Here are some tips to help you plan a fun and safe summer family holiday!

fun and safe summer family holiday | Tiger and Tim

Summer is finally here, and wouldn’t it be nice to go out and enjoy the warm days outdoors? I know a lot of you cool cats are itching to travel with the entire family again. Travelling is a great learning opportunity for kids, like our fun videos! With several tourist spots and destinations opening their doors to visitors for the season, you might be wondering if it is safe for Tiger Cubs to travel – I know grown-ups are eager to show their kids the great outdoors!

Here at Tiger and Tim, we don’t just make videos, but we also want kids to enjoy the world around them! So we have rounded up some tips from experts on how you can plan your summer holiday 2021 with the whole family.

  1. Go wild for the wild

Go wild for the wild | Tiger and Tim

When it comes to adventures, the great outdoors never ran out of some good old-fashioned experience. If you plan to travel with your Tiger Cubs, national parks and camping sites are still your best bet, as they offer wide-open spaces to social distance (however, experts warn against overcrowded camping sites – it would be better to check ahead of time).

Kids learn a lot when given a chance to explore nature. They get to experience things they only see in videos or pictures up close! Ain’t that cool?

  1. Consider renting an RV

Consider renting an RV | Tiger and Tim

When travelling with kids, research shows that travelling in your private vehicle with people from the same household is still the safest option. 

Road trips are my favourite! But if you want to make things a little bit different, you might want to consider renting your RV! You get to travel along with the necessities from home and without worrying about sharing communal areas in camping parks. Plus, an RV looks cool – enough said!

  1. Go for vacation rentals

Go for vacation rentals | Tiger and Tim

Hotels can get pretty crowded during peak summer months, and it might be difficult for you and your family to social distance yourself in a packed elevator or indoor hotel restaurants. Furthermore, several hotels typically have stricter health protocols to ensure the safety of their guests.

vacation rental houses | Tiger and Tim

If you are looking for hotel amenities but without the crowds, go for vacation rental houses instead. Many vacation rentals are located near beaches and mountains, while there are also units that come with their swimming pool for your exclusive use!

You can familiarise your family with the location of your vacation rental by letting your kids watch videos or read articles about the area.

  1. Skip visiting grandma and grandpa if unvaccinated

Skip visiting grandma and grandpa if unvaccinated | Tiger and Tim

We all love grandpa and grandma! But if they are still unvaxxed, you might want to rethink your travel plans. Best if you can wait until they get the jab before visiting them to ensure that everyone’s on the safe side!

  1. Mask up!

Mask up! | Tiger and Tim

Health experts and officials still recommend the use of masks in public spaces. While many of you would want to go without the mask, some establishments and even transportation services like planes, buses, and trains still require masks for everyone. 

Explain to your Tiger Cubs that wearing masks will be part of the trip. However, it would be better to show kids how to wear their masks properly, too! 

  1. Preparation is key

Preparation is key | Tiger and Tim

Travelling requires a lot of planning – so I heard! So with COVID-19 still hanging around, preparation is the key to ensuring the whole family gets to enjoy the trip!

Part of your preparation is to know the rate of transmission in your destination of choice so you can assess better if you’d push through or look for a different area instead. You can also have kids watch learning videos about the places you are planning to visit.

family’s immune system | Tiger and Tim

Another way to prep for the trip is to boost your family’s immune system. Load up on fruits and vegetables before and during the trip. Pack healthy snacks (yum!) and remember to stay hydrated at all times, too!

Lastly, prepare extra masks, hand sanitisers, wet wipes, and other disinfecting essentials, as these can help everyone stay safe and healthy.

  1. Follow your instincts

Follow your instincts | Tiger and Tim

Several airlines, hotels, and resorts offer discounted rates and special summer promos to encourage everyone to travel. While this is good for some, you do not have to pack your bags and travel if you are still uncomfortable. 

There are several ways your kids can enjoy summer without having to go far (Check out our suggestions here!). Kids can spend their days in safe places near your home. They can also watch more learning videos on the stuff they want to learn more about, too!

Travelling and going to new exciting places is a great way for kids to explore the world outside their favourite videos. Of course, there are ways in which they can travel safely if your family is up for it, but they can also very well enjoy summer in the comforts of your home (and neighbourhood)!

Talk to you again soon! Stay safe, cool cats!

Tiger xoxoxo