
Using Educational Videos for Children in the New Normal: How Parents Can Help with Distance Learning at Home

Nowadays, going to school means going online. Here’s how parents  can help their kids to navigate distance learning through educational videos and other tips!

Children love educational learning videos, and they also love going back to school! But school is looking a little bit different this year…


This school year brings in something new to most of us. It is not what many Tiger Cubs are used to. It also comes with its own set of challenges. But distance learning has its TIGER-RIFFIC perks, too! You may not realise it now, but with your little ones home most of the time this year so far (and for many, in the months ahead too), this is the PURR-FECT opportunity for them to build on their family life with you and their siblings (and their own tigers/pets, too!). 

The new normal can be tough, but there are several ways parents can help their learners at home adjust to distance learning and make the road smoother and more fun! 

From watching educational videos for children to breaking out into an impromptu concert performance (my favourite thing to do in the shower!), parents can make the experience more memorable for their kids. 


Here are some of the ROAR-SOME ways to help your preschoolers (and older kids) with distance learning:


  1. Create a routine

Your Cubs’ day in school is highly-structured, and you can do the same thing at home. A routine can significantly help young learners feel less anxious about the entire situation. In comparison, older kids can work to a more relaxed schedule. 

For your preschoolers, you can create a timetable showing the specific activities that need to be done throughout the day. Go ahead and use colourful pictures, crayons, stickers, and stamps to mark which activities are finished. By keeping track of their schedule, they also feel accomplished! 

  1. Start the day with F-U-N!

Speaking of activities, teachers recommend that young Tiger Cubs start an e-class with something fun to perk up their energy and keep them motivated. You can do some light stretching and exercise. There are a lot of fun videos for children online used for physical activities, that you can choose from. If exercising is not your thing, you can try singing and dancing to your favourite tunes to get those positive vibes coming! Not only will a fun start to the day help your Cubs be ready for the day, but it can also do wonders for your mood and disposition.


  1. Set up a study space

The environment that you create for your Tiger Cubs makes a big difference, so setting up their workstation in a conducive area is very important.


The dedicated workspace doesn’t have to be grand (no matter what Pinterest tells you). As long as the space is clean, comfortable, and well-lit and ventilated properly, then it’s the right work area for your little one. Make sure that all toys are kept so that the kids will not be tempted to play. Noise level at home needs to be as minimal as possible, too, since the children may be watching educational learning videos, and the noise can be distracting.


  1. Keep in touch with the teachers

First of, TEACHERS ARE PAW-SOME for everything that they do for their students.


Teachers have always been parents’ partners when it comes to their children’s education. But distance learning made this partnership much more significant. Frequent communication is essential to let teachers know how your Cubs are faring at home. You can also ask for help with things that may be unclear, or how to manage activities. Most teachers are more than happy to extend their helping paws to parents!

  1. Let go of perfect expectations

Parents have expectations for their kids, and sometimes, Mums and Dads forget that their Tiger Cubs are still learning new things. Therefore, not everything will be done correctly at the first try – and that’s okay!

Letting go of the idea of perfection allows Tiger Cubs to fully experience learning – from committing mistakes to learning from them. But it doesn’t mean that parents should not follow the expectations or standards set by the school. Mums and Dads can help their young kids achieve their learning goals through scaffolding, or taking one little step at a time.


Make Learning Exciting with Tiger and Tim’s Fun Educational Videos!

Whether today’s lesson is about the planets or jungle animals, education can be supplemented through fun and interactive learning videos for kids – like Tiger and Tim!

Tiger and Tim episodes are great resources to complement the lessons from school. We have Story time, arts and crafts, exciting facts, and fun tongue twisters! Children are acquiring skills and gaining new knowledge without them realizing it. Making learning fun – that is what Tiger and Tim is all about.


Distance learning during the new normal may not be the ideal way to learn. However, learning can take place anywhere – may it be in school or at home! After all, parents will always be Tiger Cubs’ first teachers.


Lots of Love, as always, Tiger xoxoxoxoxo 


Click here for more of Tiger’s blogs for parents and cubs!


Viewing is a Language Skill – Here’s How Kids Can Make the Most of It

Educational Videos | Tiger and Tim

Kids nowadays are digital natives, and one way to help with their language development is through watching good quality educational videos, like TigerAndTim!

Learning While Having Fun

Learning While Having Fun | Tiger and Tim

I love learning and exploring new things, just like all Tiger Cubs! One fun  way parents can help cultivate your own cubs’ natural curiosity and love for learning is through watching educational videos at home.

Not a lot of parents realise that viewing is a skill. But it is considered as a language skill, because it will greatly help with your Tiger Cubs’ language development. Most educational videos (like Tiger and Tim!) make viewing more interactive and exciting , so your Tiger Cubs are learning A LOT without them even realising it! So it’s definitely a win-win for Tiger Cubs and parents!

Read on to find out how you can make the most out of learning through viewing below!

Viewing as a Skill

Viewing as a Skill | Tiger and Tim

We are all too familiar with the four macro skills reading, writing, listening and speaking. But language researchers believe that there is a fifth macro skill, one that resonates with the times: That skill is none other than viewing!

Viewing as a language skill is defined as the process of understanding visual texts that come in various formats, such as TV shows, advertisements, films, videos, and images. In short, viewing is the act of ‘reading’ visual cues. So it’s like reading a book while looking at pictures, animations, and listening to accompanying sounds!

When it comes to acquiring and developing language understanding, it makes sense that viewing is considered valuable, especially nowadays. Online video-sharing platforms have also made audio-visual, multi-sensory texts even more available for children. With so many schools and families opting to do distance and online classes this school year because of the global pandemic, the role of learning through videos for kids plays a significant role in their language development.

Make the most out of viewing

Make the most out of viewing | Tiger and Tim

Parents often dismiss viewing as an essential skill, thinking that most of the videos for kids are only meant for entertainment purposes. However, when using age-appropriate learning videos,  viewing can aid in various aspects of a child’s language development. 

Videos are purr-fect tools to learn English or any other language. Furthermore, viewing is an TIGER-RIFFIC way to develop children’s literacy as learning English through stories – that combine pictures and sounds – is considered more exciting and stimulating for your ever-so curious cubs!

TIGER-RIFFIC | Tiger and Tim Animals

One way to make the most out of viewing is to ensure that you choose learning videos for kids that are of good quality. Not all learning videos are created equal, and young learners are not yet able to accurately discern which ones are good for them. Therefore, Tiger Cubs would need their cool parents and educators to watch these videos and their children and students to ensure that learning actually does occur. And wouldn’t it be more fun to watch videos together?

Try asking your kids simple comprehension questions after watching a video, such as “Who are the characters in the story?” or “Where did the story take place?” to gauge whether they understood the material or not. It could also help them be more engaged in the story and fosters bonding between you and your Tiger Cubs.

Tiger and Tim Learning Videos

Tiger and Tim Learning Videos | Learning Videos for Kids

Stories infused with animation are sure fire hits for young children. These learning videos for toddlers and even for older kids not only entertain them, but they can also help build language skills such as comprehension and vocabulary.

Tiger and Tim episodes come with the Storytime segment, wherein a fun and creative story is presented with vivid graphics and animation. Storytime’s unique stories are targeted at preschool-aged kids and above, but older children (and even adults!) also find them enjoyable. It’s my most favourite part of the show. Well, the ENTIRE show is actually my favourite!

After the story, you should ask simple comprehension questions to check for understanding, and words that may not be familiar to them. You may then proceed to talk about what they liked about the story or what they might have found interesting in the video. As parents, you are very much encouraged to share your own insights with your Tiger Cubs, to make way for some nice casual conversation over snacks. (Okay, so snacks are not really necessary, but are very much welcome!).

Tiger and Tim's Jungle Adventure

Viewing, when used correctly, is an effective way to aid children’s language development. Parents can use learning videos readily available online to nurture the literacy, curiosity, and creativity of their young learners at home. So make the most out of screen time with Tiger and Tim!


Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Hey, Tiger Cubs! I was so excited to release our latest episode – Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure! Have you seen the show? Tim and I had so much fun! Rooooar!

In our new episode, we went to a lush and sprawling jungle! There are many different kinds of wild animals in the jungle, as well as plants and trees. Did you know that more than half of the world’s species live in the wild, including me!

Is it a jungle or a rainforest? | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Is it a jungle or a rainforest?

A lot of humans usually get confused between a jungle and a rainforest. Some think they are the same and can’t point out the differences.

Jungles and rainforests are quite alike, actually. Huge trees and small plants grow densely (close to each other) in the wild and the rainforest. Both places are hot and humid, and there is frequent rain, too. Good thing that Tim brought his handy umbrella when we went!

The most significant difference between the two is that the trees in the rainforest have layers, called canopies. The canopies make it difficult for the sun to reach the ground. Sunlight is more common in the jungle, that’s why plants grow thickly on the floor, much more so than in the rainforest.

India’s vast wilderness | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

The most famous jungle is probably the Amazon. It is so big that it is located in over nine countries! No talk about the jungle is complete without also mentioning India’s vast wilderness, which inspired the classic novel by Rudyard Kipling called “The Jungle Book”. 

Jungle Animals

Aside from me, there are so many other cool animals in the jungle. We’re all friends, of course… Most of the time!

Jungle Animals | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

The Elephants | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

We met several wild animals as we were walking in the jungle during our story in Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure. There were no Tigers (except for me), leopards and jaguars but just so you know, they are the big cats living in the wild. There are also chimpanzees who love to climb trees and swing from vines, and the mighty gorillas who mostly spend their days on land. Let’s not forget about the gentlest creature in the jungle either – the elephants! Don’t let their size scare you because they are really friendly!

animals in the jungle are zebras

Other land animals in the jungle are zebras, with their black and white stripes. You can see them in one of the pictures from our latest sorry. They may all look alike, but actually, the pattern of their stripes are unique to each zebra. Long-necked giraffes also live in the jungle. They are the tallest animal because of their long neck. That’s why it’s easy for them to eat the leaves and fruits of high trees. Last but certainly not the least, are big bears who just looooove to eat honey! They don’t just go after the honey though, they actually eat the whole beehive! Wow!

Slithery snakes | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

There are many different birds in the jungle, too! Like the long-billed toucan and the colourful macaws! But not all birds found in the wild are colourful, some have brown and beige colours that make it easier for them to blend into their environment.

Slithery snakes, such as the python and anaconda are in the wild as well. Those two are the biggest species of snakes, with the longest python reaching up to 9.6 metres! That’s really long!

jungle adventure for children

Do you want to learn more about the wild and experience your own jungle adventure for children? Then please catch our latest episode out now! 

You can also download your copy of my colouring page so you can continue your jungle adventure at home!

That’s it, Tiger Cubs! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more educational videos for kids and follow us on all our social media pages for more fun facts, jokes, and riddles!

I love you. 

Tiger xoxoxoxoxo


Amazing Space Facts for Kids

Our second episode is already out and we are over the moon with excitement!

Did you enjoy the episode, Tiger Cubs? We did!

Tiger Cubs | Tiger and Tim’sSpace

In our new episode, Tim and I went to space and explored the planets. It was such a blast and I can’t wait to go back soon. Would you like to come with me? (And do you think we should bring Tim along with us?)

If you want to know more about our universe and just how cool it is, I’ve gathered ten interesting facts about space and space travel! Are you ready? Let’s go!

Counting Stars

Counting Stars | Tiger and Tim’s Space

Scientists believe that there are soooooo many stars in space. So many, in fact, that we would not be able to count them all. It is believed that there are more stars than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches in the entire world! Phew, now that’s a lot!

Do you know what the most famous star out there is? No, not me, and especially not Tim! I’m a superstar, not a star. However, the most popular star in space is none other than Mr. Sun himself!

Laika the Dog

I just learned that I am not the first animal in space. What a bummer! But it’s okay because the very first animal to ever go around outer space is just as cool as me!

On November 3rd, 1957, Laika, a mixed-breed dog from The Soviet Union (what is now Russia), became the very first living being to orbit the Earth. She rode a small satellite aircraft and stayed in space for about four days. Now that is one out-of-this-world road trip!

Silent Space

Did you know that space is completely silent? Because there is no air (called atmosphere) that surrounds space, you cannot hear anything there! Well, except for the time when Tim couldn’t stop talking whilst we were out there. The human just loves the sound of his own voice!

Pluto the Dwarf

Pluto the Dwarf | Tiger and Tim’s Space Travel

No, not Pluto the dog, but Pluto the dwarf planet!

Discovered in 1930 by astronomer Clyde William Tombaugh, Pluto (the planet) was named the ninth planet after the sun. However, Pluto was named a dwarf planet in 2006 because it was too small to be called an actual planet.

Don’t worry, Pluto (the planet), we still think you are amazing, no matter your size!

Life on Mars

Life on Mars | Tiger and Tim’s Space Travel

Astronomers believed that liquid water only exists on Earth and not on any other planet. But recently, NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration discovered that there’s water on Mars, too! That’s why many scientists now believe that we could live on Mars someday. 

Another fun fact about Mars: The sunset there has a bluish colour. Now I wouldn’t mind watching a blue sunset!

Huge Sun

Did you know that our sun is 300,000 times heavier than the Earth and that you can fit more than one million Earths inside the sun! Wow, it’s so much bigger!

But even though the sun is way bigger than our home planet, it is still not the biggest star in space. In fact, the sun is considered to be a medium-sized star. I wonder how big the biggest star there is… why don’t you Tiger Cubs do some research and find out!

Hottest Planet

I love the summertime, but the heat can get a little bit too much on some days. Even if we sweat a lot during summer, that’s no match for life on the planet Venus. It is so hot on Venus that lead (a kind of metal) would melt on its surface! The exact average temperature on Venus is 864 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes! I wouldn’t want to go there, especially during those hot summer days!

Space Junk

Space Junk | Tiger and Tim’s Space Travel

In our second episode, Tim told you about the first-ever Moon Landing that happened in 1969. Even before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon, there had been other astronauts who went to space, and there have been many since 1969 too. All of these astronauts left junk – or human-made objects – on space. Scientists and astronauts call this “space junk” and there are about 500,000 pieces of space junk orbiting space today.

I’m glad I didn’t add to the space junk, I’m just not so sure about Tim! Naughty Tim.

No Walking Allowed

Fancy taking a walk in outer space? Well, you can’t do it on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are made up entirely of gas so there’s no surface to walk on! Ahhhhhh.

Designer Spacesuit 

If you want to go to space, then you’ll need a spacesuit – just like mine when I flew to space with Tim. But do you know how much a NASA space suit is? A whopping 200 million dollars! That’s a LOT of money, Tiger Cubs. 

The reason a spacesuit is so expensive is that NASA had to make sure that the suits would be the best ones for the astronauts (and for me, too!).

There you have it, friends! There are so many more interesting facts about space because it’s just that cool! But we don’t have any more time so we had to stop at 10! I hope you learned something new today.

Tiger and Tim’s space adventure

If you want to know more about space (and me!), go ahead and watch our latest video to see Tiger and Tim’s space adventure!

See you again soon!

Lots of Love, Tiger xoxoxoxoxo 

Do you want to learn more about Tiger and Tim? Check out our website and our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and of course, our YouTube. Make sure you like, follow and subscribe, please! Sign up to our weekly newsletter too, so that all Tiger Cubs can enjoy fun and educational games for kids and some secret surprises from Tiger and Tim…