
Timeless Holiday Movies for the Whole Family


Christmas is all about watching one Christmas movie after another! Kickstart your holiday movie marathon with these timeless movies chosen by Tiger himself.

I know many of you cool cats out there can already start feeling the holiday spirit – I know I do! An excellent way to kick off the holiday season is by watching our Christmas episode with the kids on our Tiger and Tim YouTube channel.

One of my many favourite holiday traditions is watching some classic Christmas movies with Tim and everyone else! From funny adventures to tearjerkers – these videos and movies for kids and the whole family are sure-fire hits for the long holidays.

  1. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

It's a wonderful life | kids dance songs Tiger and Tim

Considered one of the best movies of all time, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life is an excellent way to kick off the holidays. I am sure many of you cool cats remember watching this movie in your old video cassette recorder back when you were kids. And now is the perfect time to relieve the inspiring story of George Bailey and his family this Christmas.

  1. Elf (2003)

kids videos for learning | Tiger and Tim

I’ve met a friendly elephant elf in one of our funny videos for kids, and I know elves are one of the most hardworking and kind creatures out there. So here’s a movie about an extraordinary elf! Starring funny guy Will Ferrell, ‘Elf’ tells the story of a lost elf trying to find himself in the big city. Kids and kids at heart will laugh out loud with Elf’s hilarious adventures.

  1. Home Alone (1990)

It’s not Christmas without Kevin and his misadventures at home! This classic is definitely a must-watch for kids with its endless funny jokes caught on video. Have your own Home Alone marathon and watch the sequels. Pass the popcorn, please!

  1. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Nightmare Before Christmas | Tiger and Tim Animals

A one-of-a-kind movie about a skeleton wanting to celebrate Christmas, ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ is truly a masterpiece. Not only is this movie a delight for the ears, with its catchy tunes, it is also a visual treat with its classic stop-motion animation. Children and grown-ups will definitely enjoy this holiday classic. Check out the trailer on YouTube before watching it with younger kids.

  1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas/The Grinch

Christmas Holiday | Tiger and Tim

Dr. Seuss’ beloved tale about a mean, green Christmas-hatin’ creature called Grinch is a Christmas favourite, especially for younger kids. There are several remakes of this holiday classic – the cartoon TV movie released in 1966, the live-action version starring Jim Carrey from 2000, and the CGI-animated release from 2018 are all funny (like our videos!) that kids and grown-ups will love.

  1. A Christmas Carol

No Christmas is complete without watching ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Based on the beloved novel by Charles Dickens, this movie (and its several retellings) is a heartwarming, timeless piece that everyone in the family will learn a thing or two (or three!) from.

There are many other Christmas movies out there that you and your kids will enjoy for the upcoming holidays. But before you watch them, don’t forget to catch our special Christmas episode on our Tiger and Tim YouTube channel – another kids’ favourite pick (and adults, too)!

Tiger xoxoxo



A Healthy Packed Lunch for Kids with Chef Tiger

A Healthy Packed Lunch for Kids with Chef Tiger

Making healthy lunches that your kids will enjoy can be challenging. Don’t fret – Master Chef Tiger is here to help make lunch yummier!

A Healthy Packed Lunch for Kids | Tiger and TimNow that your Tiger Cubs are back to school, what better way to make their school days more exciting than some yummy lunch! But packing school lunches is not an easy feat. It takes time to plan and prepare ahead of time. Some kids can be a bit picky with their food, too – just like with their favourite educational videos and shows!

Make healthy lunches fun for kids (just like our videos!) with these helpful tips from none other than the Master Chef himself – ME! (Watch our delicious Food episode on YouTube Kids).

Make healthy lunches fun for kids | Tiger and Tim

What Makes a Healthy Lunch?

A healthy lunch for growing kids is made up of the majority of the food groups – protein (to make kids strong), carbohydrates (to give them energy throughout the day), and fruits and vegetables.

For carbohydrates, bread, bagels, wraps, or pitta bread are just some great options. Meanwhile, cheese, chicken, and fish are some healthy choices for protein. In addition, there are several recipes available on YouTube that your kids will definitely find something that will suit their taste.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, children should have at least one serving per day. These delicious produce are also helpful in making their lunches more colourful and fun for kids to eat. Watch videos online to teach you how to make fruits and vegetables more delicious, even for the pickiest eaters!

Avoid giving kids sodas and artificially-flavoured drinks every day, as these are full of sugar that can be harmful to their teeth and their diet in general. Crisps are great for watching movies and videos with kids but keep them to a minimum when packing lunch, as these have very little nutritional value that would not be beneficial for your young learners. If you plan on giving some, put them in a small container rather than packing the entire bag.

Keep lunch fun with these tips | Tiger and TimKeep lunch fun with these tips!

School lunches don’t have to be boring! Like our funny videos for kids, their packed lunch can be something they can always look forward to.

  1. Involve your kids when making their lunch by letting them help you out when preparing them. You can also bring them with you when you shop for groceries so they can be more hands-on with what they eat in school. Make sure to give them healthy options and a little bit of treats every once in a while to keep them motivated.

Preparing food for kids | Tiger and Tim

  1. You can make their school lunches creative and more colourful by using different shapes and colours. If you’re up for it, you can even make them bento boxes. There are several videos and tutorials for kids and adults on creating fun and exciting school lunches.
  2. Encourage drinking more water by turning it into a game or challenge. You can also let your kids pick out a water bottle in their favourite colour or character. If your kids feel that the flavour of water is too plain or dull, you can sweeten it up by adding some frozen fruit slices.
  3. Just like me, kids looooove snacks! They keep our energy up throughout the day. However, readily available snacks are often unhealthy for kids (and tigers!). So instead, you can make healthy versions of your kids’ favourite snacks, such as cookies, fries, or chips. Look up recipes (like this one!) online or watch videos on making healthy versions of your kids‘ faves. 

That’s it, cool cats! Enjoy making healthy school lunches that your kids will love. 

Hungry for more Tiger and Tim? Catch our latest episode up on our YouTube channel with your kids and the whole family, and I’ll see you all again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


Help Kids Improve Their Social Skills with Tiger and Tim

Learning to interact with others is an essential tool for kids to master. Here’s how you can help them improve their social skills.

Jungle animals for kids | Tiger and TimIn our videos for kids, you’ve all seen how Tim and I met several friends in our adventures. We’ve met Father Christmas, a ghost pirate, a scientist, and many more! It has helped me a lot to be a kinder and friendlier tiger. However, learning to be social may not be easy for kids. Watching videos on TV or playing on their phones has made children less socially active nowadays. It could also be frustrating for parents when their kids show difficulty making friends or adapting to social settings.

There are different ways grown-ups at home can help children improve their social skills. Here are some Tiger-certified tips!

  1. Encourage eye contact

Kids Play | Tiger and Tim

Making eye contact with the person speaking to them is one way to help children become more effective in communicating with others. It can also build their confidence and be less shy when surrounded by others.

An excellent way to practice eye contact is to encourage your children at home when talking to you, another sibling, or another adult. Not only are they becoming better communicators, but they are also becoming confident and respectful friends.

  1. Ask questions about their interests

Teaching kids the art of conversation | Tiger and Tim

Teaching kids the art of conversation is a great way to help them become more social. They can learn from you by asking them interesting questions while in a conversation. Allow them to talk about their interests, such as their favourite shows for kids or what they learnt from watching our videos for kids

When asking questions, stick to open-ended ones that would keep the conversation flowing. Through dialogue, you are teaching kids the importance of building connections with others.

  1. Teach appropriate greetings and responses

Social skills are first learned through simple greetings like ‘Good morning, ‘Good day, ‘Please,’ and ‘Thank you. These simple phrases are easy to understand, and through consistent practice, kids can get into the habit in no time.

For young children, they may need guidance on how to respond appropriately. Some kids may get shy around new people, so they need a little bit of practice and encouragement. There are many online videos for kids to learn more about how to overcome social anxiety that you can watch with them.

  1. Teach kids about emotions

Teach kids about emotions | Tiger and Tim

Learning about different emotions helps kids not to be confused when mingling with other people. You can teach them through play, videos, or songs for kids about different emotions. Encouraging them to identify how they feel and communicate it to you is also a great practice. You can also do the same thing with them and be more open to talking about your emotions.

  1. Emphasize empathy

Another great social skill to learn for kids is empathy. It is one of the values I learnt from Tim and our videos for kids. You can teach them about empathy by talking about different situations or scenarios with your Tiger Cubs, then ask them how other people might feel when this happens to them. Having compassion is a great way for children to understand better how others feel, which makes them form positive bonds with the people they interact with.

  1. Be a good role model

It’s no secret that Tiger Cubs love to watch our learning videos for kids to know about the world. But children also learn effectively through observing others, especially grown-ups. An excellent way to improve their social skills is by observing how they interact with others. For example, kids can learn how to ask a question or take time to listen actively during a conversation by watching how they behave. To be an effective role model, you would need conscious effort and be mindful of your actions.

Our Tiger and Tim videos show how kids can positively interact with others, whether with a grown-up or with friends.

Socializing well with children and grown-ups is an important life skill that anyone can learn through our videos for kids (and adults, too!).

Tiger xoxoxo


Getting A Family Pet: To Adopt or to Buy?

When it comes to getting a pet, would you rather adopt or shop? Here are some pros and cons to help you decide.

Getting A Family Pet | Tiger and Tim

Now you’ve finally decided to get a pet for your kids and the whole family to love and cherish (and watch Tiger and Tim kids videos with!). That’s great! So the next question is – should you adopt or buy?

Long before Tim and I started making learning videos for kids, Tim adopted a tiny Tiger cub in the wild! But you don’t have to trek the mountains and journey to the jungle for your own pet. Instead, you can either go to your local shelter or pet store to get your kids their fur-ever buddy. 

So here are some pros and cons of adopting and buying for your family pet.

Adopting Pro: Cheaper Cost | Tiger and Tim

Adopting Pro: Cheaper Cost

Adopting pets is typically a cheaper and more affordable option for families who may not have the budget for pets from expensive breeders. Some shelters can even waive adoption fees depending on the season. In addition, when adopting an older pet, you can expect to skip some of the more expensive vaccinations that younger animals require. 

But more than the cost, adopting can also be a good way to learn about empathy, especially for kids. It shows them that we are all capable of loving and being loved!

Adopting Con: Unexpected Behavior

On the downside, adopting an animal from the shelter can also mean that some of the behavior that they acquired from their previous family could be a problem. 

The staff from the shelter would usually disclose any information regarding the background of the pet. Training a pet could be a good learning experience for kids, too. There are videos and other resources that you can check regarding dog behaviors before making a decision.

In some shelters, they also allow fostering an animal first before you can commit to adopting them. Being a foster fur parent would be an excellent way to see if any potential issues could arise in the future. 

Buying Pro: Meeting the Parents

Buying a pet from a breeder could give you the chance to meet the parents of the puppy or kitten you are eyeing to adopt. Getting to know the history of parents of your potential pet could give you insights into their history of health issues and some behavioral traits.

Reputable breeders would also be able to show your kids and everyone else in the family how to get over any potential challenges you might have with your future animal buddy.

Buying Pro: Meeting the Parents | Tiger and Tim

Buying Con: Expensive

It is no secret that getting a pet from the pet store or breeders would be more expensive. Depending on the location of the breeder, travel and transport costs could eventually add up. In addition, the cost of shots and spaying should also be added to the expenses, as these typically occur early in the pet’s life.

You can let the kids watch videos of different animal breeds to have a good idea of what pet they would like to get. Researching the type and breed would also allow you to narrow your search for a reputable breeder that fits your budget.

Choosing to buy or adopt would ultimately depend on your and your family’s values. Getting your children involved in the decision-making and letting them help you arrive at the final choice is a good learning opportunity for kids. Videos, photos, and other resource materials would also help you with your decision. Whether you adopt or shop for a pet, I am sure it will be an adorable furry friend like me!

Buying Con: Expensive | Tiger and Tim

There you have it, cool cats! I hope you enjoyed this little pet series here on our blog, and we wish you all the best in your new life as pet owners! Don’t forget to send us pictures of your kids and pets for our show’s segment – ‘Your Tigers’!

Catch all Tiger and Tim learning videos for kids (with or without a cuddly pet by your side) on our YouTube channel. And I will see you again really soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


How to Prepare Kids for Pet Ownership

There are many benefits of pets in children and families. Studies on pet ownership show that taking care of animals can help kids and adults lower stress and anxiety. Having to care for pets would also teach kids responsibility and stewardship. It makes children more empowered and feels a sense of belonging with the whole family.

Do you think your Tiger Cubs are ready to take on the challenge of taking care of pets? Here’s how you can prepare them.

  1. Decide on the type of pet together

Decide on the type of pet together | Tiger and Tim

There are many things to consider when getting a pet. Before deciding what to get, you can get the whole household in a huddle and decide together. You may even list down the pros and cons for each type as you research to help you and your kids determine what pet to get. You can also let the kids watch videos of how the animal behaves and its temperament to understand better which one to get.

  1. Talk about responsibilities

Talk about responsibilities | Tiger and Tim

We all know that pets at home also mean responsibilities. Talk to your kids about the chores necessary when taking care of an animal. Different animals would require different care, as well.

Before getting the pet, you can let the kids practice being responsible by assigning them age-appropriate chores first. You can also get the kids to watch educational shows on how to take care of a pet at home. 

  1. Teach kids to treat animals with respect

Teach kids to treat animals with respect | Tiger and Tim

This is what Tiger and Tim learning videos are all about! For  kids, being a pet owner allows kids to learn how to treat animals with respect. But even before you get one, teaching children about treating animals with compassion and respect is necessary. You can do so with the different animals you may see in the park, zoo, or pet store. Teaching kids that animals have feelings too enables them to empathise with their pets better, which then helps them become a great pet owner!

  1. Talk to other pet owners

Talk to other pet owners | Tiger and Tim

As part of preparing the kids for pet ownership, one way to help them get a better picture of what it really takes to care for a pet is to talk to families who also own pets. For example, maybe a classmate or cousin also owns the kind of pet your kids would want to have. You can have the kids ask about the different chores and tasks they would need to do once the pet arrives. They could even let the kids watch videos of their pets at home and what they typically do to take care of them. Having someone they know talk about what it is like owning a pet could give the kids a good perspective on being a pet owner.

  1. Emphasise on working together
Emphasise on working together | Tiger and Tim
Young happy family enjoying with their golden retriever at home.

Owning a pet requires cooperation and teamwork with everybody in the house. Before getting a pet, emphasise the need to work together towards a common goal. For example, assign your kids small tasks that would lead up to a bigger project. This would help them learn that they have an essential part in taking care of their pet. Tell them that the full responsibility is not theirs alone, and everyone would have to chip in when taking care of the family pet. Once they realise that the entire burden is not on their shoulders, they will feel more positive and even excited about getting their own pet!

Growing up with a pet can be a memorable time for Tiger Cubs! They not only learn about responsibility, respect, and compassion, they also gain a friend that they would treasure fur-ever! 

P.S. Don’t forget to take pictures and videos for the kids to look back on in the future and to share with us on ‘Your Tigers‘!

That’s all for now, cool cats!

Tiger xoxoxo


Benefits of Having Pets for Kids

Benefits of Having Pets for Kids | Tiger and Tim

Pets are a great way to teach kids how to become better humans! Here are the awesome benefits of having pets for kids.

kids can learn a lot from their fur friends | Tiger and Tim

Having a pet is a special experience for just about anyone! But for kids, this is even more special. A pet can show kids what unconditional love and true friendship can be. Moreover, kids can learn a lot from their fur friends.

You saw in our learning videos for kids the unique bond between me and my buddy, Tim. I’m sure that your Tiger Cubs would also want to experience a friendship like no other with their own ‘tigers’. But, if you need a little bit more convincing before getting them their animal BFF, here are some proven benefits of pets for kids.

  1. Pets can decrease allergies

Pets can decrease allergies | Tiger and Tim

Children who grew up around pets get to build more robust immune systems. Research shows that kids with pets are less likely to develop childhood allergies and asthma. Furthermore, children exposed to pets have antibodies that help them fight off infections. So not only do their pets make them happy, but they also make them strong!

  1. Teaches responsibility

Teaches responsibility | Tiger and Tim

We all know that taking care of an animal at home is a huge responsibility (Just ask Tim!). Kids can very well take part in the chores, which helps them develop a sense of responsibility as they are growing up. Your kids can watch videos on the different age-appropriate tasks to help them with their assignments. Preparing them well can also make the experience of having pets a more positive and enjoyable one for both children and pets!

  1. Encourages a healthy lifestyle

Encourages a healthy lifestyle | Tiger and Tim

I love to swim, and if only I could make Tim go swimming every day, I would! Meanwhile, some pets require daily walks outside as part of their exercise. This simple activity of walking the pets outside can encourage kids to live a healthy and active lifestyle. With fresh air and lots of suns, being outside can do wonders for kids and their pets, too!

In our learning videos for kids, we always emphasise the importance of playing and enjoying the outdoors when possible. Pets can give kids the chance to spend time with nature.

  1. Helps with learning

Helps with learning | Tiger and Tim

We know that kids learn a lot from our videos, but pets can also help Tiger Cubs become more intelligent and confident in school! Pets can help students in their therapy sessions, especially those who are struggling to read. Reading aloud to pets can develop a child’s reading skills as well as their confidence because we are enthusiastic and non-judgmental listeners. We all just love to cuddle and read with you any time of the day!

  1. Develops empathy and compassion

Develops empathy and compassion | Tiger and Tim Animals

Taking care of pets can help kids become more nurturing, empathetic, and compassionate – just like Tim! Children naturally develop the ability to care for others as they learn how to care for their furry buddies. As a result, they become good friends with their pets and show kindness to other animals.

Their empathy and compassion make them friendlier and kind to the people around them, as well.

Having a pet at home can be beneficial to everyone – both kids and adults. As children learn how to be good humans to their pets, they also get opportunities to learn how to be good humans to other humans.

That’s it for this week! Please stay tuned for our new episode coming out soon. In the meantime, enjoy our other learning videos for kids up on our YouTube channel!

Tiger xoxoxo


Things to Consider When Choosing a Pet for Kids

Zack the zookeeper and Tiger

Choosing the perfect pet for your kids is a crucial decision for the entire family. Here’s how you can make the right decision.

perfect pet for your kids | Tiger and Tim

Have you and your family decided to get a pet? That’s great! Now your kids can have their own Tigers to watch our videos with! But choosing the right pet for your family may be a tricky one. There are different things that a family should consider before deciding on the kind of pet that will be the latest addition to your family. It’s a decision that’s more difficult to make than choosing what to watch on YouTube Kids!

However, there’s no need to fret – I will guide you in choosing the best Tiger for your kids. Save the funny videos for later because we need to get to work!

So here are some things to consider when choosing a pet for your kids and the whole family.

  1. Your child’s age

Your child’s age | Tiger and Tim

If you are getting a pet specifically for your kids, then their age would play a factor. Ideally, kids would need to be a little older, about 5 to 6 years old, so that they would have a better understanding of what it means to have their pet. Preschoolers can also take on some chores surrounding their pets. However, younger kids, especially very curious toddlers, may find it difficult to differentiate a pet from a toy, which may lead to some safety issues in the future.

A good way to gauge your kid’s readiness is to watch videos about taking care of pets and talking about what they need to do when they get their furry friend.

  1. History of allergies

History of allergies | Tiger and Tim

Having an animal companion is tons of fun – just like our funny videos for kids! But it wouldn’t be much enjoyable if your little ones are allergic to their new buddy. Pet fur and dander are common allergens that can trigger allergies, asthma, or eczema. If you think that allergies will be a concern, you can check with your child’s paediatrician or with a veterinarian first for some expert advice.

  1. Level of care of different animals

Level of care of different animals | Tiger and Tim

Different pets would require different types and levels of care. I can be pretty high maintenance (apologies, Tim!), but some animals are not. Before getting a pet, consider how much time your family has when caring for an animal. 

Dogs and cats (and Tigers, too) require daily attention such as feeding, clean-up, and exercise. On the other hand, pets such as birds, fish, turtles, guinea pigs, and hamsters would not be as demanding.  You can do some research with your kids on YouTube or other online resources to know how much care a pet would need.

  1. Family’s budget

Family’s budget | Tiger and Tim

Another thing to consider when getting a pet is your family’s budget. Some pets are more expensive than others and would also require special care. Vitamins, vaccinations, and grooming are also things to be considered when getting a pet. The pet your kids would get should also depend on the family’s finances.

  1. Pet’s age

Pet’s age | Tiger and Tim

The age of the pet you are planning to get is another thing to think about. A younger pet, like a puppy or a kitten, might be too playful or animated for younger kids, which could lead to some unintentional bites or scratches. Older pets, on the other hand, might have a gentler disposition and temperament. However, it would be best to avoid older pets raised in a household without children, as they may not be accustomed to younger humans. Pets would be more fun for kids when their personalities match. Watch videos or read up on these things before settling on your children’s animal buddy.

age of the pet you are planning to get | Tiger and Tim

A pet is not just a pet – your kids will treasure those memories with their loving companions for the rest of their lives. Therefore, choosing the right pet for your family is crucial and needs to be thought about and discussed thoroughly.

That is it for this week, cool cats! We are currently working on something really cool for our next episode so stay tuned for that. If you’ve been missing us (aww, we miss you, too!), you can watch our funny videos for kids uploaded on our YouTube channel. See you again soon, kids and grown-ups!

Tiger xoxoxo


Popular Chocolate Bars That You Can’t Buy Anymore

sweet spot for chocolates | Tiger and Tim

We all have a sweet spot for chocolates. So here’s our tribute to all the chocolate bars that everyone sorely misses.

What do you call a tiger who loves chocolates? 

A Big Cat-bury’s!

Okay, okay… Not the best joke I’ve got. But we’ve got plenty more good ones from our other videos for kids and grown-ups!

Enchanted Chocolate Forest | learning videos for kids

Enough joking around for now because I’m here to tell everyone about our newest Tiger and Tim episode.  And it’s all about chocolates! Yummy! Just like our other learning videos for kids, our latest episode is full of fun trivia, riddles, and of course, a new story for Storytime – set in an Enchanted Chocolate Forest that is full of treats and surprises! 

But before you let your kids watch our new episode (and our other videos), let’s take a trip down memory lane first for some major throwback feels. So hop on our time machine and go back to a time where these delectable treats are still within our midst. 

  1. Cadbury Aztec

Cadbury Aztec | Tiger and Tim

For years, Cadbury’s Aztec fulfilled people’s cravings for the perfect mix of chocolate, caramel, and nougat. Sadly, kids will never taste this treat. But there are videos of old Aztec advertisements that you can watch (and drool over)!

  1. Mars Delight

Mars Delight | Tiger and Tim

What happens when you combine chocolate with caramel and a wafer in the middle? You get Mars Delight! People are still not over Mars Delight being discontinued in the market that there’s a petition for Mars to bring it back. This just shows that a good chocolate bar will never be forgotten. Kids, maybe we can try this one in the future? *paws crossed*

  1. Cadbury Fuse

Cadbury Fuse | Tiger and Tim

Eating chocolates while watching Tiger and Tim learning videos for kids is a great after-school treat. Sadly, Tiger Cubs won’t be getting Cadbury’s Fuse after it was discontinued in 2006.

  1. Cadbury Marble

Cadbury Marble | Tiger and Tim

Another beloved Cadbury’s bar is Marble. People of all ages can’t get enough of Marble’s delicious mix of white and milk chocolate and a hazelnut centre. Now that’s a heavenly delight, kids! I guess videos and photos of this beloved treat are all we are left with now.

  1. Mars White Maltesers

Mars White Maltesers | Tiger and Tim

In our newest Tiger and Tim learning video for kids, Tim said that white chocolate is not made of cocoa but cocoa butter. So here’s a white chocolate brand that is well-loved and missed by everyone!

Maltesers fans still have not forgotten about this milky white version of the beloved chocolate and honeycomb balls. 

  1. Mars Planets

Mars Planets | Tiger and Tim

Mars Planets and its variety of chocolate balls is another treat that has been sorely missed by many. Hopefully, Mars will revive this beloved chocolate treat soon!

  1. Cadbury Dream

Cadbury Dream | Tiger and Tim

There’s something about the simplicity of white chocolate that still makes everybody’s mouth water, and Cadbury’s Dream is no exception! Even if Cadbury’s already released newer versions of white chocolate bars, people still miss getting a bite of Dream.

  1. Cadbury Snowflake

Cadbury Snowflake | Tiger and Tim

One of our learning videos for kids was all about snow, so it’s just but fitting to have Cadbury Snowflake in this list. For years now, people have wanted to get their hands on the chocolate bar’s crumbly flaked white chocolate covered in smooth milky chocolate goodness. Yummy!

  1. Wispa Mint

Wispa Mint | Tiger and Tim

Everyone’s beloved mint chocolate is none other than Wispa Mint. Too bad kids today won’t be able to taste this mint chocolate goodness. Can you guys at least show us videos about this legendary chocolate bar for old time’s sake?

  1. Nestle Vice Versas

Nestle Vice Versas | Tiger and Tim

Vice Versas an iconic cinema snack that everyone just loved. The delicious milk or white chocolate filling and its crispy shell are still craved for today. 

That’s it! I hope I didn’t make you miss these chocolate bars too much! So give in to your sweet choco cravings with your Tiger Cubs by watching our latest chocolate episode and all our other learning videos for kids.

Talk to you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


Tips for Starting Primary School in 2021

primary school | Tiger and Tim

Starting primary school can be both exciting and scary for young Tiger Cubs. Here’s how grown-ups can help them get ready for school.

new academic year is about to begin | Tiger and Tim

Spring is almost up, and the new academic year is about to begin in a couple of weeks. I’m sure all the kids at home watching YouTube (Tiger and Tim, I hope!) or playing outdoors are very excited to go back to school! As for some Tiger Cubs, the new semester will be much more anticipated as they officially start primary school. 

Starting school is always fun for kids (old home videos and pictures will prove this!), and parents and grown-ups can make it even more special for them. The adults at home can help kids prepare for their first-ever big school experience in several ways.

Here’s how you can help your Tiger Cubs get ready for primary school.

  1. Support their independence

Support their independence | Tiger and Tim

Young Tiger Cubs love to assert their independence. Foster their desire to do things on their own through simple chores and tasks at home. Duties such as getting dressed, going to the toilet, eating, and even solving simple problems can teach kids a lot about themselves. Adults can show and model these behaviors for the young Tiger Cubs at home.

  1. Start with literacy and numeracy

Start with literacy and numeracy | Tiger and Tim

Kids who are just about to start school are not expected to have advanced literacy and numeracy skills. However, you can always get them started at home. Introducing them to numbers and simple words through funny educational videos or songs for kids is an excellent way for them to get started. You can also begin to help them recognise their name. If they are up to it, they can even learn how to spell and write their name. Drawing and colouring are also fun activities that can help them hone their fine motor skills.

  1. Help them build social skills

Help them build social skills | Tiger and Tim

Being in the classroom and learning with classmates is such an enjoyable environment for Tiger Cubs! You can help them improve their social skills to get them ready to interact with others through practising simple greetings. Initiating casual conversations with them is another fantastic way to build social skills. Through discussions, children can learn simple social rules such as taking turns when talking. Talk to them about things they like, such as their favourite YouTube Kids videos or their favourite characters from various kids’ shows.

  1. Practice learning to concentrate

Practice learning to concentrate | Tiger and Tim

The ability to concentrate for about 10 to 15 minutes is a valuable skill at school. Kids can learn practice at home through extended play using building kits and puzzles. In addition, time-tested games can help sharpen their focus. Grown-ups can also give kids simple tasks at home that would require them to follow a set of instructions to help practice their concentration. 

I practice my concentration skills whenever I watch funny videos for kids online (Nothing could distract me)! Or whenever Tim asks me to wait for the dinner to be ready!

  1. Make school exciting

Make school exciting | Tiger and Tim

Perhaps the simplest way to get Tiger Cubs ready for school is to get them excited about it! There are many ways grown-ups at home can make school exciting for the kids. First, Tiger Cubs can visit the school before classes start. Second, adults in the family can share memorable experiences they had in school. Third, Tiger Cubs can also help out preparing their school materials days before school opens. Lastly, kids and grown-ups can watch funny videos and movies for the whole family related to school to get them excited.

Starting school is always an exciting time for Tiger Cubs. Parents and grown-ups at home can make kids’ experiences more memorable by getting them well-prepped for the year ahead. It makes me wish there’s a tiger school somewhere!

That’s it, cool cats! Talk to you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


Where to Watch Tiger and Tim Episodes

Tiger and Tim are everywhere

Tiger and Tim are everywhere! Here are streaming platforms where you can catch your smart and lovable Tiger and his silly human, Tim.

video for kids | Tiger and Tim

Hello, cool cats! It’s been a year since my human best friend, Tim, and I released our very first video for kids, and what a fun year it has been! So far, we have 14 episodes up on our YouTube channel for your kids to enjoy. But did you know that our videos are also available on other platforms for kids to watch? That’s right! And all these platforms are TIGER-RIFFIC, I tell ya!

So if you are looking for other places to catch the latest episode of Tiger and Tim, look no further. Here I have compiled them into this one neat list. Enjoy!

  1. YouTube Kids

Youtube for Kids | Tiger and Tim

Are your kids not fans of YouTube ads? Good thing there’s a version specifically for kids! Tiger and Tim episodes are also available on YouTube Kids, so your Tiger Cubs can keep on watching our funny videos for kids without ad interruption. 

Youtube Kids

Aside from being a safer ad-free version of YouTube, parents can also customise the app’s video suggestions for each child while quickly blocking the videos they disapprove of. Parents and grown-ups can also set time limits for their kids to monitor their gadget use.

  1. HappyKids.Tv

Happykids TV | Tiger and Tim

Another Tiger-approved streaming platform for kids is HappyKids.TV. Educational videos, TV shows, family-friendly movies – name it, and HappyKids.TV got something for everyone in the family! Parents and grown-ups can also select age-appropriate shows for each of their children. While HappyKids.TV is not completely ad-free; rest assured that the commercials are kid-friendly and are pretty short, too! With HappyKids.TV, families from across the globe can enjoy watching Tiger and Tim episodes and other well-known titles for free!

  1. Toon Goggles

Toon Goggles | Tiger and Tim

Toon Goggles is another excellent streaming app where anyone can watch Tiger and Tim episodes and a lot more funny videos for kids! But aside from educational and entertaining videos, kids can also play exciting games through the Toon Goggles app. In addition, family movie night will never be boring with the fine movie selection of family-friendly movies in TG Movies. Toon Goggles also has a Spanish version – that’s just muy bien! For a small fee, parents can upgrade their account to the ad-free version, as well.

  1. Kidooddle

Kidooddle | Tiger and Tim

Kidoodle is an award-winning online streaming app that boasts thousands of entertaining and educational content curated by parents. Kids can watch videos of their favourite popular characters alongside Tiger and Tim episodes for free! The app also features a timer to help parents and grown-ups set limits for healthy screen time for their Tiger Cubs. Their free version contains certified child-friendly ads that are safe for kids. But parents can also upgrade to an ad-free version for their kids anytime.

  1. KidsBeeTV

KidsBeeTV | Tiger and Tim

Do you want to make sure that your Tiger Cubs are learning while watching funny videos for kids? Well, then KidsBeeTV is the app for you!

All Tiger and Tim episodes and thousands of other kid-friendly shows are available on the KidsBeeTV app. From nursery rhymes, cartoons, arts and crafts, and so much more, KidsBeeTV keeps children learning and entertained with pop-up questions that help develop various cognitive skills. For an affordable monthly subscription, kids can watch all the videos in the KidsBeeTV app ad-free! The content is also teacher-curated and approved, making them safe and 100% educational for kids of all ages. 

  1. Highbrow

Highbrow | Tiger and Tim

Highbrow is all about top-notch quality content, and that includes Tiger and Tim! Highbrow app is an online streaming platform that is safe for kids and completely ad-free. With their affordable monthly subscription, parents can ensure that their kids are watching fun and educational videos! The app also features content creators who are creative, fun, and dedicated to providing kids with videos that they will love and enjoy!

  1. Adventure2Learning

Adventure2Learning | Tiger and Tim

Adventure2Learning is a unique virtual learning experience for children of all ages. On this platform, kids can watch our funny videos for entertainment and education! In addition, students enrolled in Adventure2Learning get to access various educational and engaging content through the platform’s library. They can also learn from academic experts in different fields! It’s like school, but cooler!

Well, there you have it, folks! Tiger and Tim videos are available for you and your family at any day, time, and on any of these fantastic streaming platforms. Simply choose the one that best fits your family goals, and you’re good to go!

Talk to you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo