
Activities for Kids While You Work At Home

Juggling work while at home with the kids is not easy. Here are some great tips that will help keep your kids busy!

Hey, cool cats! Are you still washing your hands? I hope you are because we still want to keep everyone safe and healthy! (Watch our ‘Wash Your Hands’ episode on YouTube) I hope your kids, too, are also regularly washing their hands!

The COVID -19 pandemic has made a lot of changes in our lives, including how many mums and dads work. Most parents have started working from home, too and until now, many are still in a work-at-home setup.

We know that many of you are looking for worthwhile activities for your kids while attending your video conferences, so here are 5 Tiger-approved fun videos and activities for kids (and kids-at-heart, too).

  1. Watch fun educational videos for kids

What better way to let your Tiger Cubs spend their free time than by watching educational videos for kids like Tiger and Tim episodes! Aside from learning a lot of cool and exciting things about the world, they also get to have a lot of fun! For kids, watching educational videos is not just some passive activity, but it can also become an extension of their lessons in school.

  1. Get creative

Here’s something that The Art Critique definitely recommends – do something creative! Let your kids paint, draw, or do some arts and crafts while you work (Read about how art can benefit children here). The best part is, we can feature your kids and their masterpieces on our YouTube videos. Check out some of our fun arts and crafts activities from The Art Critique here!

  1. Go on book adventures

While going on adventures in far-away places may not be possible yet, let your kids go on their own book adventures! Let them fall in love with reading as they discover extraordinary places, people, animals, and many others, all in the comforts of your home. They can also extend their learning from what they’ve read when watching funny videos for kids about their favourite book characters. Kids would love to see the images on the pages of their books come alive on screen. Speaking of book adventures, go check out our special Tiger and Tim books for your Tiger Cubs!

  1. Puzzles and blocks

Open-ended toys like blocks and fun brain teasers like puzzles are a classic when it comes to entertaining kids. Let their imagination run free as they build, create, and make whatever they may fancy using blocks and puzzles. These toys are not only fun to play with, but they also hone their creativity, problem-solving, and motor skills of your Tiger Cubs!

  1. Sensory play

For babies and toddlers, sensory play is not only fun but crucial to their development, too. Sensory play lets young Tiger Cubs explore and learn different textures while developing their fine motor skills such as pinching and grasping. Slime, clay, rice, and pasta are just some of the items you can incorporate in sensory play. 

If you’re not sure how to create a safe sensory play environment for your kids, there are several tutorials on YouTube that can help you make sensory play a hit for your Tiger Cubs.

We want to know what your Tiger Cubs’ go-to activities are while you work! Let us know in the comments below! But for now, why not grab a yummy snack and let your kids enjoy our latest episode up on our YouTube channel? I don’t know about you, but that’s my most favourite activity to do!

Catch up with you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo