
Tips for Starting Primary School in 2021

primary school | Tiger and Tim

Starting primary school can be both exciting and scary for young Tiger Cubs. Here’s how grown-ups can help them get ready for school.

new academic year is about to begin | Tiger and Tim

Spring is almost up, and the new academic year is about to begin in a couple of weeks. I’m sure all the kids at home watching YouTube (Tiger and Tim, I hope!) or playing outdoors are very excited to go back to school! As for some Tiger Cubs, the new semester will be much more anticipated as they officially start primary school. 

Starting school is always fun for kids (old home videos and pictures will prove this!), and parents and grown-ups can make it even more special for them. The adults at home can help kids prepare for their first-ever big school experience in several ways.

Here’s how you can help your Tiger Cubs get ready for primary school.

  1. Support their independence

Support their independence | Tiger and Tim

Young Tiger Cubs love to assert their independence. Foster their desire to do things on their own through simple chores and tasks at home. Duties such as getting dressed, going to the toilet, eating, and even solving simple problems can teach kids a lot about themselves. Adults can show and model these behaviors for the young Tiger Cubs at home.

  1. Start with literacy and numeracy

Start with literacy and numeracy | Tiger and Tim

Kids who are just about to start school are not expected to have advanced literacy and numeracy skills. However, you can always get them started at home. Introducing them to numbers and simple words through funny educational videos or songs for kids is an excellent way for them to get started. You can also begin to help them recognise their name. If they are up to it, they can even learn how to spell and write their name. Drawing and colouring are also fun activities that can help them hone their fine motor skills.

  1. Help them build social skills

Help them build social skills | Tiger and Tim

Being in the classroom and learning with classmates is such an enjoyable environment for Tiger Cubs! You can help them improve their social skills to get them ready to interact with others through practising simple greetings. Initiating casual conversations with them is another fantastic way to build social skills. Through discussions, children can learn simple social rules such as taking turns when talking. Talk to them about things they like, such as their favourite YouTube Kids videos or their favourite characters from various kids’ shows.

  1. Practice learning to concentrate

Practice learning to concentrate | Tiger and Tim

The ability to concentrate for about 10 to 15 minutes is a valuable skill at school. Kids can learn practice at home through extended play using building kits and puzzles. In addition, time-tested games can help sharpen their focus. Grown-ups can also give kids simple tasks at home that would require them to follow a set of instructions to help practice their concentration. 

I practice my concentration skills whenever I watch funny videos for kids online (Nothing could distract me)! Or whenever Tim asks me to wait for the dinner to be ready!

  1. Make school exciting

Make school exciting | Tiger and Tim

Perhaps the simplest way to get Tiger Cubs ready for school is to get them excited about it! There are many ways grown-ups at home can make school exciting for the kids. First, Tiger Cubs can visit the school before classes start. Second, adults in the family can share memorable experiences they had in school. Third, Tiger Cubs can also help out preparing their school materials days before school opens. Lastly, kids and grown-ups can watch funny videos and movies for the whole family related to school to get them excited.

Starting school is always an exciting time for Tiger Cubs. Parents and grown-ups at home can make kids’ experiences more memorable by getting them well-prepped for the year ahead. It makes me wish there’s a tiger school somewhere!

That’s it, cool cats! Talk to you again soon!

Tiger xoxoxo


Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Hey, Tiger Cubs! I was so excited to release our latest episode – Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure! Have you seen the show? Tim and I had so much fun! Rooooar!

In our new episode, we went to a lush and sprawling jungle! There are many different kinds of wild animals in the jungle, as well as plants and trees. Did you know that more than half of the world’s species live in the wild, including me!

Is it a jungle or a rainforest? | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Is it a jungle or a rainforest?

A lot of humans usually get confused between a jungle and a rainforest. Some think they are the same and can’t point out the differences.

Jungles and rainforests are quite alike, actually. Huge trees and small plants grow densely (close to each other) in the wild and the rainforest. Both places are hot and humid, and there is frequent rain, too. Good thing that Tim brought his handy umbrella when we went!

The most significant difference between the two is that the trees in the rainforest have layers, called canopies. The canopies make it difficult for the sun to reach the ground. Sunlight is more common in the jungle, that’s why plants grow thickly on the floor, much more so than in the rainforest.

India’s vast wilderness | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

The most famous jungle is probably the Amazon. It is so big that it is located in over nine countries! No talk about the jungle is complete without also mentioning India’s vast wilderness, which inspired the classic novel by Rudyard Kipling called “The Jungle Book”. 

Jungle Animals

Aside from me, there are so many other cool animals in the jungle. We’re all friends, of course… Most of the time!

Jungle Animals | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

The Elephants | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

We met several wild animals as we were walking in the jungle during our story in Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure. There were no Tigers (except for me), leopards and jaguars but just so you know, they are the big cats living in the wild. There are also chimpanzees who love to climb trees and swing from vines, and the mighty gorillas who mostly spend their days on land. Let’s not forget about the gentlest creature in the jungle either – the elephants! Don’t let their size scare you because they are really friendly!

animals in the jungle are zebras

Other land animals in the jungle are zebras, with their black and white stripes. You can see them in one of the pictures from our latest sorry. They may all look alike, but actually, the pattern of their stripes are unique to each zebra. Long-necked giraffes also live in the jungle. They are the tallest animal because of their long neck. That’s why it’s easy for them to eat the leaves and fruits of high trees. Last but certainly not the least, are big bears who just looooove to eat honey! They don’t just go after the honey though, they actually eat the whole beehive! Wow!

Slithery snakes | Tiger and Tim’s Jungle Adventure

There are many different birds in the jungle, too! Like the long-billed toucan and the colourful macaws! But not all birds found in the wild are colourful, some have brown and beige colours that make it easier for them to blend into their environment.

Slithery snakes, such as the python and anaconda are in the wild as well. Those two are the biggest species of snakes, with the longest python reaching up to 9.6 metres! That’s really long!

jungle adventure for children

Do you want to learn more about the wild and experience your own jungle adventure for children? Then please catch our latest episode out now! 

You can also download your copy of my colouring page so you can continue your jungle adventure at home!

That’s it, Tiger Cubs! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more educational videos for kids and follow us on all our social media pages for more fun facts, jokes, and riddles!

I love you. 

Tiger xoxoxoxoxo